
6 Benefits to Know When You Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

What would happen if you took 10,000 steps a day? Let's find out the 6 benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day and learn how you can get started on your walking goals.
What would happen if you took 10,000 steps a day? Let's find out the 6 benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day and learn how you can get started on your walking goals.

Everyone knows that exercise is important, and walking is a great way to stay active. You might have heard that walking 10,000 steps a day is a good fitness and weight loss goal, which many fitness trackers and smartwatches promote. It contains steps counted from all your regular daily activities tracked by the fitness tracker, such as walking, taking stairs, and more, depending on the algorithm.

But what are the real health benefits of walking 10,000 steps each day? It varies, as individuals have unique fitness goals. If you’re not looking to train for specific fitness or aesthetic goals and just want to stay active without going to the gym or using any exercise equipment, then walking will be the simplest and most accessible form of physical activity.

1. Burn More Calories

According to a 2018 study published in the journal Obesity, walking 10,000 steps a day is associated with weight loss and weight management. It elevates your heart rate and activates muscles like your quads, glutes, calves, and hamstrings, helping to burn calories and strengthen your lower body.

Walking 10,000 steps a day can help you burn about 250 to 600 calories, depending on your weight and pace. Many fitness trackers or smartwatches, estimate calorie burn based on your step count. You can use a smartwatch or fitness tracker to record and estimate calories burned. With the Daily Goals feature, you can increase the number of steps you take throughout the day and maintain a healthy weight or lose weight naturally without even realizing it.

2. Lower Your Risk of Chronic Diseases

Walking 10,000 steps a day can lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and inflammation levels, which can reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. Walking also strengthens your immune system and helps you fight off infections.

3. Improve Your Mental Health

Walking 10,000 steps a day can boost your mood, and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It stimulates the release of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, making you feel happy and relaxed. With every step you take, it releases feel-good endorphins and wipes off your stress and anxiety.

4. Strengthen Bones and Relax Joints

Unlike high-impact exercises, walking is a gentle and easy-to-sustain exercise suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. It can help keep your bones strong, promote joint mobility, and reduce the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Walking 10,000 steps a day can improve your physical fitness, flexibility, balance, and coordination, which can help you maintain your independence and mobility as you age.

5. Lifts Spirits and Increase Energy Levels

Walking 10,000 steps a day is a kind of spiritual boost you can do anytime, anywhere. Not only is it a catalyst for improving brain function, but it also helps increase oxygen supply and improve blood circulation, keeping you energized, creative, and focused. So, the next time you’re stuck on a problem or feeling sluggish at midday, consider stepping outside for some inspiration and refueling instead of grabbing a cup of coffee.

6. Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Walking 10,000 steps a day isn’t just about fitness—it’s also a gateway to better sleep. It can help regulate sleep patterns, reduce stress, and promote a calm mind, resulting in improved sleep quality. For those struggling with poor night’s sleep, it’s a powerful ally in improving sleep quality and establishing consistent sleep habits. You can incorporate this achievable step goal into your daily routine and get a more restorative and restful night’s sleep.

How to Start Walking 10,000 Steps a Day?

Se queres começar a dar 10.000 passos por dia, aqui estão algumas dicas para te ajudar a começar:

  1. Avalia o teu nível de atividade atual: Antes de começares a dar 10.000 passos, podes usar um pedómetro ou um smartwatch para registar os teus passos durante alguns dias. Avaliar o teu número atual de passos diários dar-te-á uma base para trabalhares.
  2. Estabelece objectivos diários: Não tenhas como objetivo dar 10.000 passos de imediato se não fores atualmente ativo. Começa com um número alcançável, como 5000 passos, e aumenta gradualmente os teus passos em incrementos semanais de 500-1000 passos.
  3. Faz um Desafio de Hábitos de 30 Dias (30DHC): A consistência é fundamental quando fazes mudanças positivas no teu estilo de vida. Desafia-te a caminhar todos os dias durante 30 dias e encontra formas de fazer pequenas caminhadas mesmo em dias atarefados. O efeito cumulativo dos passos diários contribuirá para os benefícios gerais para a tua saúde.
  4. Usa um pedómetro ou um monitor de fitness: Pensa em adquirir um pedómetro, um monitor de fitness ou um smartwatch com capacidade de contagem de passos para monitorizar os teus passos. Um registo visual pode motivar-te e ajudar-te a controlar o teu progresso.
  5. Incorpora a caminhada na tua rotina: Inclui gradualmente a caminhada diária na tua rotina. Divide os teus objectivos em pequenas caminhadas, como fazer pequenas caminhadas durante as pausas no trabalho, dar a volta ao quarteirão depois das refeições ou usar as escadas em vez do elevador.

É fácil transformar a caminhada numa mudança de estilo de vida porque tem a taxa de adesão mais elevada de todas as formas de fitness e rotinas de exercício. Mas tens de dar o primeiro passo e lembrar-te de que o objetivo é o progresso, não a perfeição. Por isso, tens de ouvir o teu corpo, aumentar gradualmente os teus passos e apreciar o impacto positivo que a caminhada tem na tua vida.

Mais importante ainda, não te esqueças de celebrar os marcos ao longo do caminho. Quer estejas a atingir o teu objetivo semanal de passos ou a completar um mês de caminhada consistente, reconhecer o teu progresso pode aumentar a motivação.

Corre o GTS7 Pro

O teu relógio inteligente para todo o dia, para saúde, fitness e ligação.

O teu melhor assistente inteligente no dia a dia.

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